Cost Estimating for Museum & Cultural Facilities

Our Cost Estimators know museums. We’ve provided hundreds of cost estimates for projects at more than 50 museums, including the Smithsonian Institution, the National Gallery of Art, and The Franklin Institute. Our estimates draw upon our deep experience with the construction market and the types of specialized systems involved in museum design. Below is a partial listing of our Museum & Cultural projects.

Becker Fondorf The Franklin Institute Case Study Design and Construction Projects

Edelman Fossil Park
Client: Ennead, KSS
Sewell, NJ
Project involves a conceptual study for a museum and large site, including a theater, pedestrian bridge, remote toilets, utility garage, and bus shelter.

University of Pennsylvania Museum
Client: University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
This 3-phase project includes renovations to an existing museum and is expected to take 10 years from start to finish. This project was extremely meticulous and required that the custom work be factored into the estimate—estimators could not rely on square footage or material divisions alone.

Phase 1: $15M
Phase 2: $16M
Phase 3: In Progress

Acad. of Natural Sciences Renov., Phila., PA
Anne Frank Museum, Philadelphia, PA
America on Wheels, Allentown, PA
Annenberg Center Renovations, Philadelphia, PA
Arden Theater Company, Philadelphia, PA
Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD
Carr’s Hill Arts Campus, Univ. of Virginia, VA
Cathedral Heritage Museum, Louisville, KY
Maritime Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Michigan Museum, Lansing, MI
Nantucket Museum, Nantucket, MA
National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC
New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, NJ
Newport News Arts Center, Newport News, VA
Constitution Center, Philadelphia, PA
Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, VA
Corcoran Galleries Renovations, Washington, DC
Corning Glass Museum, Corning, NY
Dumbarton Oaks Museum, Washington, DC
Franklin Inst. Science Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Gateway Visitors’ Center, Philadelphia, PA
Goodhart Hall Restoration, Bryn Mawr, PA
The Hill School Arts Center, Pottstown, PA
Landis Valley Museum, Lancaster, PA
Lincoln University Theater, Chester County, PA
Liberty Bell Pavilion, Philadelphia, PA
Louisville Slugger Museum, Louisville, KY

Panama Canal Museum, Cristobal, Panama
Pasquerilla Arts Center, PA
Penn State Univ. Arts Center, Altoona, PA
Pennsylvania Ballet Building, Philadelphia, PA
Perelman Building, PMA, Philadelphia, PA
Phila. Museum of Art Renov., Philadelphia, PA
Reliance Bldg., PMA, Philadelphia, PA
Phillips Memorial Hall, West Chester Univ., PA
Please Touch Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Railroad Museum, Lancaster, PA
Reading Performing Arts, Reading, PA
Rodin Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Santa Fe Historical Museum, Santa Fe, NM
Smithsonian Theater, Washington, DC
South Jersey Arts Center, NJ
Swarthmore College Performing Arts Center, PA
Trinity College Art Museum, Hartford, CT
Univ. of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Ursinus Berman Art Center, Collegeville, PA
Virginia Museum of Art, Richmond, VA
WCU Auditorium Restoration, West Chester, PA
WCU School of Music, West Chester, PA
Wilma Theater, Philadelphia, PA
Winterthur Museum Addition/Renov., DE
Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Wyoming Seminary Aud., Wilkes-Barre, PA
York Historical Society, York, PA

Client Testimonials

"What separated Becker & Frondorf is that, though they are a small firm, they are full-service. Many of their competitors don’t bring the depth of services and expertise they bring."

Michael Erickson, C. Erickson and Sons, Inc.

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Cost Estimating Services


B&F Cost Estimators have 25 years of cost data to back up estimates for projects as iconic and complex as the Statue of Liberty.